There's no doubt about the physical strength gains that happen as a result of bouldering. Often it's profound. Players in the T4 have metrics to show it and can track their growth in real terms.
However, personal strength gains in other areas is not as easily seen but perhaps more important. Confidence sits high on this list and it's hard not to grow when you consistently apply yourself in a supportive environment. The resilience built from doing hard things is a staple of all exercise programs and bouldering is no different.
Yes, bouldering is a solid 'work-out' in its own right and you get out what you put in.
The T4 League runs all divisions in ten week motivational blocks. The metrics are naturally aligned to this. Work hard, build your metrics and track your growth. Have a break, recalibrate and go again.
We all have different motivational drivers. Strength comes in many ways and physical strength is just one.
10 Nov 2024