It was a game that could have gone either way but in the end it was the Donkx who played the better game and took the win 36 - 31.

Boulder A was a series of dynamic sequences where Nikala Murray and Liam Smith ultimately topped and the Donkx unpacked really well taking a five point early lead as the Hornets were very close two two tops but came up short.

Boulder B was a technical slab sequence with a tricky top and a red herring type of zone 1.  Low scoring for both teams and plenty of points left on on the table here for both teams. Donkeys went into half time ahead ...

Boulder C presented a few problems for the Donkx getting started but capitalised to their capacity in the end with no tops nut a number of zone 2's.  The Hornets found the start sequence to zone 1 much easier but couldn't capitalise on the extra time created. 

Boulder D involved a fast dynamic sequence to zone 1 followed by a complex sequence to zone 2 then a technical top.  Kyle Fensbo led the way for the Hornets and Nikala and Liam did then same for the Donkx with a 5 point difference at full time.

It was another heartbreaking loss for the Hornets but plenty to learn coming out of it.  The last minute replacement of Jack Mitchell in for Fred didn't dramatically affect how well the team played and a definite improvement from last round. 

The Honey Badgers take an unbeatable lead into the tail end of the season and have locked down the minor premiership. 

20 May 2023

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